Product Updates: January 2022
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Happy new year! We’re excited to round out the first build cycle of 2022 and to bring you a heap of product updates this February.
We’re starting the year with a sense of passion and urgency as we work toward a clear product vision for the future of customer messaging: one that is simpler, cheaper and more innovative.
Let’s kick it off.
Workflows Updates
What’s new
A/B Testing in Workflows
The ability to run A/B tests in a workflow is a long-standing request and we’ve had a basic version of this feature in private beta for some time. We’ve now made the feature available to everyone.
Thank you to everyone who voted for this feature and to all the beta users who gave us feedback. To add an A/B Test to your workflows, simply hit the “+” button to add a node to any workflow canvas and choose “A/B Test”.
An A/B test can have up to 5 variations. Each variation creates a new branch that can contain multiple message, delay or logic nodes. You can decide the percentage of customers that should receive each variation, set a reminder to review your test and pick a winner based on the results. This feature provides a simple way to run a quick test to gauge how parts of your workflows are performing. Check it out and if you have any feedback or thoughts on this first iteration of A/B testing, please visit our feedback board.
Read the full release announcement for A/B Testing in Vero Workflows.
Improvements and bug fixes
- Faster loading of Templates. We’ve made some performance improvements that make the Templates page (and anywhere in Workflows where you select a template) load much faster.
- Ignore archived and deleted segment conditions when cloning a campaign. We’ve made some improvements to the way campaigns are cloned. If your campaign includes references to archived or deleted segments in its audience conditions, those conditions will not be included in the cloned campaign.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed preheader to support multi-line inbox previews. The amount of white space added to a preheader has been increased to support multi-line inbox previews.
- Empty snippet search results. Fixed a bug that was causing snippet search results to appear empty when results did exist.
- Missing queued status in message logs. We are now showing the queued status correctly in the logs for each campaign.
- Better handling of archived and deleted segments. We’ve improved how the Workflows product handles archived and deleted segments. If a campaign references an archived or deleted segment, it will be displayed as having a corrupt condition in the UI to show it is no longer operating. We’ve also added a dialog that makes it apparent that a campaign references the segment that is being archived/deleted.
- Event property personalization in Push previews. You can now preview push messages that use event data to personalize the content using liquid.
Newsletters Updates
What’s new
Preview in Browser
Vero Newsletters now includes the ability to preview your messages in the browser (alongside sending them to your inbox). If a message uses Liquid to personalize the content you can preview it with real data by searching for and selecting any user in your provided audience. Simply choose ‘Preview via browser’ from the ‘Preview’ menu on any newsletter (as below).
Improvements and bug fixes
- Faster loading of Templates. We’ve made some performance improvements that make the Templates page (and anywhere in Newsletters where you select a template) load much faster.
Bug fixes
- Fixed preheader to support multi-line inbox previews. As in Workflows, the amount of white space added to a preheader has been increased to support multi-line inbox previews.
- Custom Domain records displayed as “Unverified”. Fixed an issue where the DNS records in a Custom Domain channel were being incorrectly listed as “Unverified” even though the record was valid and verified.
- Error when previewing newsletter. Fixed an error that could prevent you from previewing a newsletter that included liquid variables.
- Fixed show/hide desktop/mobile error causing UI to stop working. Quickly switching views in the drag and drop editor would cause some errors to occur in the UI, we have fixed this bug so feel free to switch views to your hearts content.
- Domains appearing unverified. We fixed an error which would in some cases make custom domains incorrectly appear as if they were not verified.
- Fixed error preventing the copy to clipboard buttons from working. You can now copy the domain and mx records to your clipboard as was intended.
Upcoming Releases
We’re super excited to keep building software for the modern data stack that helps marketing and product teams seamlessly communicate with their customers. Here’s some of what we’re working on:
- Going “Baseless”: more triggers for Workflows using data sources beyond Vero’s own API.
- Pricing options in Workflows to give you more control of your data storage vs. automation volume.
- Snowflake data source integration in Newsletters.
- Improvements to the onboarding flow and campaign creation and app UI in Newsletters.
- Clearer navigation and switching between Newsletters and Workflows.
- Custom channels so you can reach users in more places in both Newsletters and Workflows.
Other News and Updates
Other news and articles we’ve shared recently:
- Baseless Email Marketing Software: Better B2B Email Marketing
- B2B Marketing Insider Podcast Features Vero’s Email Marketing Growth Story
- Google Sheets Audience Integration
- Check out the new drag-and-drop email template library
- A guide to A/B testing campaigns in Vero Workflows
Keep up to date with Vero
You can keep up with all of Vero’s new features, and our latest thinking by visiting our Resource Center. Product updates just like these are based directly from customer feedback. Drop us a note or reach out via our Slack community.
We’re committed to building product-led, community-driven products, co-designed by the folks who use them. We’d love your thoughts on our product and direction.
We’re super excited to be pushing toward a future we truly believe in. Stay tuned!