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5 Great Examples of Lifecycle Marketing Campaigns to Maximise the Effectiveness of Your Campaigns

Want to see some great examples of lifecycle email marketing?

These five great examples of lifecycle marketing campaigns will help you get a practical grasp on what you can do to maximize the effectiveness of your own lifecycle emails. They show you ways you can use behavioral triggers to dramatically increase your email conversions.

If you’re stuck wondering where to get started with lifecycle email then these examples are for you. Better yet, we’ve compiled a full tear-down of each email campaign example as part of our campaign example library. Simply click the link below any of the examples below to see a full overlay of our email marketing experts’ comments on each campaign. Learn what each campaign does right and how you can do better!

1. A great targeted offer email

Targeted offer email newsletter

This offer newsletter from Monocle is a great example of what segmentation can do for your newsletters. Targeted at previous subscribers who are no longer subscribed, this email combines a limited-time deal at a great price with a relevant audience. A formula for success. Remember: don’t send the same newsletter to everyone. Use the power of segmentation just like Monocle.

2. Webinar invitation email done right

Webinar invite email marketing

Webinars are a powerful tool in any online marketer’s arsenal. One of the challenges of webinars is that it can be difficult to get potential attendees to signup and even harder to get them to actually attend. SaaS business Pingdom does an amazing job with this webinar invite email. With bright colors, a simple selling proposition and great calls to action, this is an example of a webinar invitation we can all take inspiration from.

3. Freemium upgrade email with a targeted audience

Upgrade freemium users with email

Converting freemium customers into paying customers is a challenging prospect. Getting the timing of an offer just right can significantly increase your conversion rates. Slideshare shows the power of behavioral email with this great campaign. Rather than offering everyone PRO membership they target customers who have had a slideshow go viral (even if it’s just a little viral). This makes sense: after all, there’s a much higher likelihood these customers will engage and see value in upgrading.

4. Travel deals with a focus

Email marketing travel

Travel is a vertical in which online businesses have a plethora of information on their customers. Who they are, where they are going and other detailed information gives online travel companies the power to do some special email marketing. This example from Flightfox targets flyers from Sydney and uses the fear of missing out to powerful effect. This campaign is a great example of mining your database for data you can use to create segments that will help increase conversions.

5. An education email course from the pros

Educational email marketing course

The Unbounce team are content marketing masters. They’ve recently released a stellar course on why you should use landing pages to increase conversions and email marketing powers the whole thing. This is one of the cleanest, most effective examples you will see of a lifecycle email campaign at work. Check out this example to see what they do and why their copy is so compelling.

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