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Sync customer data from Census to Vero Cloud

Use Census to sync your customer data into Vero Cloud for improved personalisation and data accuracy. Empower marketing teams to build dynamic audiences with a no-code segment builder.

Connect your Census Integration

Activate your data and sync it with Vero Cloud

Integrating Census with Vero gives you a way to sync the data you have stored in your data warehouse with Vero, helping make sure your campaigns are using up-to-date and accurate customer data for segmentation and personalisation.

With Census you can build segments from your data warehouse data and sync them to your Vero Cloud project, making your most accurate data more usable in your marketing campaigns.

If your team has already setup a data warehouse and are spending time and effort keeping that data in sync with your marketing platform, this integration is one to check out.

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What is Census?

Census is a data activation platform that runs on top of your data warehouse. Sync 360° customer data to Vero with Reverse ETL.

Use data from your data warehouse in Vero Cloud